Has worked for 20 years in IT auditing and corporate governance. She started her career in a Public Accounting Firm and was active in audit and advisory assignments.
In her assignments for 20 years, she has specialized in clients in the banking, capital market, and financial industry sectors. In terms of work, she has done many IT audit assignments, e-banking assessments, independent reviews on corporate governance, and other IT governance assignments, and she is experienced in using a risk and internal control framework in relation to auditing and other IT-related work.
In IT Audit assignments in the banking sector, she acts as a team leader who carries out activities ranging from audit planning and implementation to decision-making on the results of the audits.
With the complexity of banking and industrial finance, it is customary to apply standard audits to the work approach to produce a framework and parameter evaluation that is simpler but can describe the company’s condition at the time of assessment.
In addition to specific assignments related to IT audits, she carries out projects to be reviewed, evaluates corporate governance, and evaluates technology and applications used explicitly in banks.
The experience she owned is not only national and Asia Pacific, so she understands business casing that exists nationally and globally, which can be used as consideration in paying for a standard audit.
In addition, she is active in providing internal and external training in terms of IT audits.
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